Friday, February 22, 2013

Collaborative Podcast


Okay, so I'm going to start writing a little something up for our podcast assignment. I probably won't be able to post again or record it until Saturday evening. I am going to write about the Project Based Learning and why we are using it.


  1. sounds good. I will plan on doing what has been done so far in our project.

  2. I have mine finished. Would one of you want to combine them all? I got the flu last night around 3 am. and I am trying to be as productive as possible but its not working. Also, which is why I sound terribleeee on the recording.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. no problem! I havent recorded mine yet but I plan to this afternoon. It isnt due until next week sunday though. So we arent rushed to get it all together

  5. I'm going to start working on mine tomorrow! Sorry I didn't see your post earlier.

  6. I must have confused the date, that helps and then I can be more of a help when I'm feeling better.

  7. Hey guys! I'm making mine tonight about where our project is headed. I just want to make sure were all on the same page, a classroom catering business is our main goal, right?

  8. Also, I am leaving tomorrow night around 9 for vacation. So, if you guys want to forward me your recordings I can look them over as well. Are one of you planning on combining them all?

  9. Yes that's fine I can combine them. Sorry I'm taking so long. I've been pretty busy this week.

  10. Hey girls, I just finished my part. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to adjust the music though. I'll email you my part so you can review it. Please email me yours so I can start putting them together! Thanks!!

  11. Sarah I am emailing you mine. Courtney if you could email her yours too them she can put them all together. thanks

  12. Last call ladies. I'm putting them together right now. Courtney please email me yours!

  13. Ok guys, I have mine submitted to her despite not having courtneys and sarahs technical difficulties.
